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Assignment 2 – CIO notes for merging and editing

October 12, 2009

A. What are the issues involved with using social networks for professional development in the workplace?

Social networks are sets of people who are connected by social relationships such as friendship, co-working or information exchange (as cited in Singh, 2007).  Using social networks for professional development has the potential of delivering higher quality, lower cost professional development to companies.  There are however many different social networking systems and technologies available and many ways of utilising them.  Options range from setting up a Facebook group in a couple of clicks to installing a wiki to the creation of extensive 3D environments.  According to the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (2008), professional development “encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities”.  In order to implement a professional development programme that leverages social networking, the following issues will need to be considered:

  • Which existing social networks will be used: This will depend on a number of factors such as cost, time to setup, existing employee familiarity and security of company intellectual property.  Second Life has specific products for this and has even recently launched a microsite dedicated to it.
  • Goals: While it is easy (and common!) for CIOs and IT managers to jump aboard the bandwagon of the latest buzz technologies, social networking and online communities come in so many different forms that a clear idea of the goals and objectives of the project are essential from the outset.  Is it primarily the distribution of individual learning materials that is required with some discussion to enable questions to be answered?  Should the project facilitate real-time, synchronous discussions or generate output such as a wiki that can be used as a resource by others in the future?  Is participation to be done at the employee’s own pace over a long period of time or are sessions moderated and facilitated by managers or trainers?  The answers to these questions will provide the parameters for this project and the issues listed below will allow the company to then move forward and select candidate systems and propose how they will be used.
  • Cost: Blogging and wiki software is freely available, but total cost of ownership must be taken into account when measuring these things as they will need to be configured and maintained.  Hardware may need to be purchased and training can be expensive.  Existing advertising-based platforms such as Facebook can be free to set up and almost free to maintain (depending on the amount of ongoing administration required for the community).  More sophisticated solutions such as 3D worlds can start to become very expensive, but must be measured against the cost of the alternative.  SecondLife’s IBM case study (Linden Lab, 2009) reports that over 200 IBM employees attended their conference on virtual worlds in October 2008 at a cost of $80,000 USD.  This doesn’t seem so bad when you consider that the same event would have cost $250,000 USD to hold in the physical world.
  • Time to setup: Setting up blogs on existing platforms such as wordpress and blogger is almost instantaneous (“a minute” according to the blogger homepage) and has indeed been used as the solution for this very subject.  Having large amounts of employee data in the pubic domain is unlikely to be acceptable to a multinational corporation however and their own copy of the platform would need to be installed and configured.  In addition to the time required to setup the base platform itself, consider effort required to populate it with content, add structure such as categories, create user accounts and permissions and develop community guidelines and focus (“How to start a wiki”, n.d.).  Developing an in-house product may also be an option depending on the goals of the community and resources available to do the work.
  • Knowledge management goals: Blogs and wikis can facilitate learning and adaptation within an organisation to enormous advantage (Andrus, 2005).  If research and discussion are being generated as the result of online community activity, plans on how this could be captured and used in the future should be put in place.
  • Existing employee familiarity: Some platforms and paradigms are more familiar to employees than others.  Although there are few people who haven’t used Wikipedia, how many would be savvy enough to actually contribute to it.  Statistics from founder Jimmy Wales show that over 70% of Wikipedia’s the edits are made by just 2% of its users (Swartz, 2006).  Platforms such as Facebook with an active membership of 300 million users require far less training than more complex paradigms.  SecondLife’s IBM case study (Linden Lab, 2009) describes how employees were provided training before their virtual world conference.
  • Security and privacy: Any proposed solution will need to be ratified against the organisation’s security and privacy policies.  Using the infrastructure of a 3rd party requires a high degree of trust and possibly appropriate legal documents in place.  IBM’s SecondLife virtual worlds conference required several months of work with Linden Lab to create the environment which sat behind IBM’s corporate firewall (Linden Lab, 2009).
  • Culture:  The degree of control and structure that the network takes on will depend on the culture of the organisation and probably be an extension of the way that professional development is currently done.  Employees who are used to micromanagement and strong direction may not perform well if given a blank wiki.  Senior executives of a top-flight legal firm may not be accepting of flying around in meetings within virtual worlds.

B. How do Web 2.0 tools (blogs, wikis, podcasts and video lectures) complement such social networks.

Social networking has risen in as part of what is known as Web 2.0.  Tim O’Reilly coined the phrase in 2004 and describes it as “using the internet as the platform… using that platform to build applications that harness networks effects to get better the more people use them” (O’Reilly, 2006).  Web 2.0 tools are built to facilitate the communication and collaboration of groups of people and usually provide the ability for participants to define their online identities within the group.

Singh (2007) points out that one of the uses of our social networks is to acquire knowledge and that while the internet contributes to information overload, it also provides useful tools to effectively manage one’s social networks and through them gain access to the right pieces of information.  As well as providing the platform for delivering professional development content, Web 2.0 tools also provide access to social media to help us to judge whether it is what we are looking for, discuss it and in the case of the wiki, change it.  This provides the opportunity for those participating to reinforced what has been learned and apply it to specific work situations as a group.

Of the Web 2.0 tools available, this question explicitly mentions blogs, wikis, podcasts and video lectures – each of which is discussed below:

  • Blogs: “Blog” is an abbreviation of “weblog”, a site that maintains an ongoing chronicle of information (WordPress, n.d.).  Blogs promote structured discussion with a persistent output that is accessible not only to a marker, but the entire group.  Educational institutions such as Charles Sturt University have used blogs successfully to provide students with an environment in which to work collaboratively through a structured curriculum.  The asynchronous nature of the blog also facilitates collaboration between people from around the world who may be in different timezones – an great advantage to a multinational company who’s smartest people may not get to rub shoulders in their day-to-day working lives.
  • Wikis: Wikis are shared spaces that anyone contribute to.  C2 is the original wiki site and defines a wiki as “a composition system; it’s a discussion medium; it’s a repository; it’s a mail system; it’s a tool for collaboration. Really, we don’t know quite what it is, but it’s a fun way of communicating asynchronously across the network.” (”Front Page”, n.d.).  Wikipedia is the most popular example of the wiki concept today and illustrates how such a system can allow a group of people to create a shared repository of information over an extended period of time.  This is an excellent example of the web 2.0 quality of getting better as more people use it.  Whilst it is also true of blogs to an extent, a wiki would provide both a means of participation in professional development tasks as well as the creation of a valuable resource that can be leveraged by other participants in the future and even the business in its daily activities.
  • Podcasts: A podcast is a series of digital media files that are episodic, downloadable and program-driven (“Podcast,” n.d.).  Podcasting can be used to deliver content to professional development participants as well as provide a means through which to elicit feedback and discussion from them.  iTunes U is an excellent example of how podcasting can be used for educational purposes and actually has content that may be able to be utilised by a corporate professional development programme.
  • Video lectures: Video lectures allow content to be produced once and then used by many people over an extended period of time.  Free video lectures can be sourced from many places on the web and could complement any materials that the company is planning to produce themselves.  Training and development staff could then spend their time reviewing and sourcing content instead of producing it.  MIT’s OpenCourseWare site is an example of this and provides free content for a broad range of subjects (  The videos are even streamed through YouTube which means that employees don’t even need to download them to watch them.  Video lectures could be used in isolation or as part of a broader podcast (see above).  As with podcasts, video lectures are a means of delivering content which would then need to be rated, discussed and worked through using the other social networking tools mentioned earlier such as blogs and wikis.

C. How is a work-related social network developed and sustained?

To create a social network that is able to initially develop and then sustain itself over time, a number of aspects of sociability need to be incorporated into the professional development programme.  The following recommendations are drawn from the research of Granovetter (as cited in Singh, 2007) and Preece (as cited in Eustace 2009):

  • Clearly state the purpose of the community: This needs to be in line with the company’s brand and policies, particularly for output such as blogs or wikis that may be used as a resource in the future.
  • Assign special roles: Preece points out that an awareness and use of special roles can help newcomers and keep experienced members.  Moderators and mediators can further help community governance by ensuring that policies are adhered to.
  • Encourage stars and allow sub-networks to drive growth: This is closely related to the previous point.  Kumar, Novak and Tomkins (as cited in Singh, 2007) showed in their study of Flickr and Yahoo that the development of social networks follow a pattern.  When the it initially emerges, over half of a network is represented by the “middle region” (isolated sub-networks that only interact with each other and are often centred around a ‘dynamic’ participant’) and “singletons” (individuals who have no connections and are least central).  The rest of the network is made up of of the “giant component” (the largest central group, tightly connected to the central nodes and to each other).  Most growth happens in the middle region where the star members encourage others to join the network.  Singh refers to these sub-networks as “virtual ghettos”.  Eventually these sub-networks may join the giant component, at which time the dynamic member’s influence diminishes.  Therefore to drive growth, the network must encourage growth amongst smaller groups and empower and incentivise the dynamic participants within those groups.
  • Joining and leaving policy: This will be be important for security as credentials may need to be tied back to participant’s employee privileges and permissions to determine who can access what.
  • Allow for lurkers: In a work-related social network, lurkers should not necessarily be seen in a negative light as their access to the activity and output of the community can still have a positive impact on their professional development.  They can however be a hindrance in situations where a critical mass in community size needs to be achieved.
  • Encourage the formation of weak ties: As a multinational company, participants have much to gain by connecting to others who they may not work with every day or know very well.  These connections are known as “weak ties” and are more useful than strong ones as the lack of shared history provides more diversity of information.  Facilitating the formation and utilisation of these weak ties by encouraging participants to go beyond their local cliques could add much value to the community.


Andrus, C. (2005, September).  The Wiki and the Blog: Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community. Studies in Intelligence, Vol 49, No 3. Available at SSRN:

Eustace, K. (2009).  Topic 6 – Designing for usability, sociability and sustainability. Retrieved October 12, 2009, from

Front Page. (n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2009, from

How to start a wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved October 4, 2009, from

Linden Lab.  (2009).  How meeting in Second Life transformed IBM’s technology elite into virtual world believers. San Francisco: Author.

National Professional Development Center on Inclusion. (2008). What do we mean by professional development in the early childhood field? Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, Author.

O’Reilly, T. (2006). Web 2.0 compact definition: trying again. Retrieved October 7, 2009, from

Podcast. (n.d.). Retrieved October 8, 2009, from

Singh, S. (2007, September). Social Networks and Group Formation. Boxes and Arrows.  Retreived October 7, 2009, from

Swartz, A.  (2006).  Who writes Wikipedia?.  Retrieved October 4, 2009, from

WordPress. (n.d.). Introduction to blogging. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from

Assignment 1 Essay

September 6, 2009

1. Major published works and conference activity over the last 10 years

Ward Cunningham has been involved in a number of major innovations over the past 15 years including Extreme Programming and design patterns.  His major contribution to the development of online communities however has been the conception of the concept of a wiki (“Ward Cunningham”, n.d.).  His initial “published work” was the publishing of the WikiWikiWeb to his consultancy’s website in 1995 but he followed this up with the publication of the book The Wiki Way in 2001.  In addition to his published work he has also been a keynote speaker at the WikiSym conference in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Jenny Preece’s current research is concerned with the design and management of online communities, particularly in terms of their the sociability and usability (“Jenny Preece”, n.d.).  Her major published work is ‘Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction’, published in 2002 (which being an interaction designer I happen to own).  In 2000 she also published Online Communities: Designing Usability, Supporting Sociability.  There is sketchy information about a book titled ‘User interfaces in the Real World’ that was published in 2007 and now appears to be out of print.  In 2005 she was Education Co-chair for the CHI conference (Computer-Human Interaction) (“Human computer interaction: Beyond human-computer interaction” 2007).  I also found a reference on Amazon to her contributing to the ‘Communities and Technologies 2005: Proceedings of the Second Communities and Technologies Conference, Milano 2005’.

2. Evolution of ideas

The evolution of the wiki can be clearly seen by looking at Cunningham’s original wiki project (which is still live at nearly 15 years later) and then contrasting this to Wikipedia, currently the most famous example of a wiki.  The original vision can be found within the first few lines of the landing page and reveals the beginnings of the wiki concept, “Wiki is a composition system; it’s a discussion medium; it’s a repository; it’s a mail system; it’s a tool for collaboration. Really, we don’t know quite what it is, but it’s a fun way of communicating asynchronously across the network.” (“Front Page”, n.d.).  Fifteen years on, Wikipedia represents a body of knowledge generated by millions of people.  Alexa shows that yesterday (28th August 2009), 10% of all global internet users visited the site (

*** Update ***

The man himself has offered some addition insight into inspiration below in the comments.

The development of Preece’s work is decidedly more subtle given the fact that she is an academic addressing a broad topic rather than someone responsible for a specific technology.  There are definite hints in the titles of her publications to a journey from more ‘traditional’ human-computer interaction to the broader and more holistic fields of interaction design and user experience and sociology.  This can be seen from ‘A guide to usability: Human Factors in Computing’ (1993) to ‘Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts and Design’ (1994) and then ‘Online Communities: Designing Usability, Supporting Sociability (2000)’ and finally ‘Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction’ (2002).

3. Light-bulb ideas

Cunningham started the project as an Apple Hypercard stack with information about certain keywords.  If there was no information for a particular keyword, Hypercard would create a new card for it.  Although this is a very simple concept, this is the essence of the wiki and the fundamental idea that he fleshed out when creating WikiWikiWeb.

In ‘Online Communities’ (2000) Preece brought together the usability focus of human-computer interaction field and the broader human focus of sociability.  This is articulated in the introduction to the book “… enable you to understand the interrelationships between people’s behaviour online, sociability and usability.  People’s interactions create online communities, and developers can influence their success by how they design policies and software” (Preece, 2000).  This marriage of usability and sociability was a powerful and novel approach which Preece is still pursuing today.

4. Change managers for other workgroups.

Preece and Cunningham’s have had two very different careers.  While Preece is a researcher and academic, Cunningham has had a varied career in industry and held various senior posts related to a range of specialisations.  Based on this it would appear that Cunningham is an excellent change manager and has successfully implemented change at the highest level in some of the largest corporations in the world.  It is difficult to comment on Preece as a change manager however due to the academic nature of her work.

5. Shared experiences, synergy and context.

As an interaction designer with a background in programming I can relate well on many points to both Cunningham and Preece.  As mentioned above, I actually own a copy of Preece’s ‘Interaction Design’ text.  I work for a company who practices large-scale agile development ( and so I deeply appreciate Cunningham’s contribution to Extreme Programming.  I also have an abiding interest in design patterns (particularly their use in interaction design).  Although my affinity with Preece is based on my interaction design interests rather than anything to do with online communities, I am increasingly becoming interested in the contextual and social aspects of design so can appreciate her work in this area.

Preece, J.  (2000).  Online communities: Designing usability, supporting sociability. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.

Ward Cunningham.
(n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2009, from

Jenny Preece. (n.d.). Retrieved September 6, 2009, from

Meet the authors. In Interaction Design: Beyond Human-computer interaction. (2007).  Retrieved September 6, 2009, from

Front Page. (n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2009, from

Collwer, J. (2005, August 9). Kim Bruning discusses Wikimania. Wikinews. Retrieved from